B.Sc Cardiac Technology

B.Sc Cardiac Technology


Cardiac technologists work with cardiologists to diagnose and treat heart problems and illnesses. ECG, Echo, 24-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring (Holter), 24-hour blood pressure monitoring (Ambulatory BP), treadmill, cardiac catheterization laboratory, and electro physiology are among the areas where training is provided. Cardiac technologists assist doctors with cardiac catheterizations (including balloon angioplasties) and pacemakers. Cardiac technologists work as members of the healthcare team to diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases.

The course teaches students about various cardiac pathologies, diagnostic tests, and procedures used in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. The programme prepares the candidate to work as part of a multidisciplinary team with good organisational and time management skills, as well as motivational and leadership qualities. A candidate will learn effective verbal and written communication skills, as well as how to use modern tools and techniques in the field of cardiovascular technology for patient compliance and disease management.


S. No

I Year

II Year

III Year



Basic Anatomy

Clinical Feature and Treatment Related To Cardiac Technology and Basic Life Support

Cardiac Catherization Laboratory (Basics )



Advanced Electro Cardiography

Cardiac Catherization Laboratory ((Advanced)

12 months of Clinical Training



Treadmill Exercise Stress Testing and 24 hour Ambulatory ECG and BP recording

Clinical Training






Medical Electronics

Basics of Computer

Clinical Training


Clinical Training

Eligibility for Admission

  • Candidates belonging to all categories for admission to the Allied Health Sciences should have passed the qualifying examinations after period of 12 years of study with English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology with minimum 65% marks in each subjects (Academic / Vocational Stream).

Course Director

Dr.Balaji P. is the Course Director of B.Sc. Cardiac Technology and also a Senior Consultant at the Institute of Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Madras Medical Mission. After graduating in 1995 from Tirunelveli Medical College, he did a Masters in General Medicine from Madurai Medical College in 1991. He then completed the National Board examinations in Cardiology in 2010. Subsequently, he completed a Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology in 2012 and also did his Interventional Cardiology Fellowship at Asan Medical Centre, Seoul,South Korea.

He has 25 years of interventional cardiology experience. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications and has presented posters and clinical case studies at national and international conferences.He is a member of the Editorial

Board: Acute Coronary Syndrome - Indian Clinical Update Handbooks

Career Prospects

The current management of various cardiac disorders includes complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that necessitate the use of a wide range of equipment, computer hardware, tools, machines, and pharmacological agents. Handling and maintaining this equipment and tools necessitates advanced and focused knowledge of the scientific principles underlying the tests and equipment, as well as hands-on experience in using this equipment correctly and safely. The career opportunities are diverse with a huge choice of employment in the following areas.

  • Cardiology Physician Assistant
  • Electrocardiography
  • Treadmill Stress Testing
  • 24 hours Ambulatory ECG Monitoring
  • Cardiac Catheterization Labs
  • Echocardiogram
  • Critical Care Medicine
  • Preparing patient in open heart surgery
  • Pacemaker implantation