MMM College of Health Sciences

Affiliated to TN Dr. MGR Medical University

About the Institute


The MMM College of Health Sciences today stands as one of the bench- mark organizations for conduct of Allied Health Science Programmes. The college trains and develops knowledgeable individuals with core values of sincerity and compassionate concern for the sick and suffering; they are practically oriented with skills for creativity and promptness. Affiliated with The T.N Dr. MGR Medical University, we now have 7 undergraduate programs and 2 postgraduate programmes.


The College of Health Sciences emblem is designed to serve as a visual reminder of what the MMM College of Health Sciences stands for. The various elements of the design echo the institution’s commitment to its students, their parents and members of the community which it has vowed to serve.

The shield in the emblem represents the scientific knowledge of medicine and healthcare that protects us from ignorance and superstition in our quest for saving lives and improving health. The three-faceted logo of MMM on the upper left quadrant of the shield signifies the institution’s guiding star and its lineage of compassionate care. On its right is the traditional symbol of healing and medicine, the staff of Asclepius with a single serpent encircling a knotty tree limb. On the bottom left is the depiction of a microscope that denotes the institution’s focus on practical training and research, while on the bottom right a traditional classroom is portrayed emphasizing the value of providing a strong theoretical base in its pedagogy.

The emblem of the college is depicted in the color indigo which offers the imagery of the mystical confluence of wisdom, self-mastery and spiritual realization. The name of the college is written in crimson red, the colour of blood, strongly symbolic of life and its vitality and the energy that it circulates
