Internal Quality Assurance Cell – IQAC

MMM College of Health Sciences' IQAC was formed with the goal of reviewing and analysing academic standards and performance indicators, as well as developing strategies to constantly improve the quality of higher education.IQAC strives for all quality-related activities by fostering an inclusive environment in which all faculty and non-faculty members of the college participate. For proper documentation, IQAC collects data on a regular basis through digital communication. It works to improve and integrate the College's various activities, as well as to ensure the adoption and dissemination of best practises.


"To establish a benchmark in defining the quality of MMM College of Health Sciences in professional higher education in Allied Health Sciences in quality evaluation in teaching, learning, research and development, an extension in infrastructure upkeep and maintenance, and in the promotion and sustenance of institutional and human values."


The IQAC's primary objective is • To create a mechanism to promote conscious, consistent, and catalytic action plans to improve the institution's academic and administrative performance.
• To promote institutional quality enhancement and sustainability by internalising quality culture and institutionalising best practises.
